
90/180 rule to be eased for Brits with 2nd homes in France


If you are a British citizen and own a second home in France, you will almost certainly have been dismayed by the restrictions of the 90/180 rule imposed since Brexit.

Don’t worry, there is light on the horizon!

In very welcome news, the French Senate has voted to adopt an amendment that proposes to “ease the conditions of entry for British citizens who own second homes in France”.

The champion of the cause and the driving force behind the change in legislation is Martine Berthet, a Senator in the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region of France. She spoke to many British homeowners in her area and sympathised with their frustration and disappointment after Brexit.  Many have been coming to France for years and contribute culturally, socially and financially to their local communities.  

To add to the misery, French visa centres have struggled to keep up with demand, leading to long delays and expense for British people applying for a new 6 month long-stay visa every year in order to spend significant time in their French homes. The recent hike in ‘taxe foncière’ for second home owners has been the final straw, with a recent poll showing that many were thinking of selling up.

Meanwhile, despite being defeated in this round, hopes are high that two other amendments might also one day be passed. French Senator Corinne Imbert of the Charente-Maritime put forward a proposal for a five-year visa that would be available for all non-EU property owners, not just British citizens. This visa would have permitted visits of up to six months every year but would only have to be renewed every five years. French Senator Michel Canévet of Finistère also put forward the idea of adding ‘property owner’ to the current visa categories.

Although Senator Berthet’s amendment was the only one to get through this time, here at French Connections HCB we are feeling quietly optimistic that there will also be good news for our American, Australian, Canadian and New Zealand clients before too long. Meanwhile, a grand merci to all three Senators!

If you’re looking to move to France permanently, or want to open a business or invest here, we have all the information you need, including free articles, videos, blogs and webinars. You can also book an initial 30 minute video consultation with our business and visa specialist, Richard Hammond, by clicking here. The consultation costs 90 euros, but that amount is totally deducted from the first service you book with us.

Finally, you can catch us today Thursday 16 November at a free webinar hosted by French Entrée’s Zoe Smith. It starts at 2pm UK time (3pm French, 9am Eastern, 6am Pacific) and will last about an hour. Simply register here to get the zoom link.                                              
We look forward to seeing you there. 

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