
Get everything in before August!

If you think French admin is slow now, just wait for next month!

August is traditional holiday time for the French. Many businesses, small shops and administrative services close and most of Paris heads out of town for their annual break because schools and workplaces are shut.

So if there is anything you’ve been meaning to get done – or at least get started – our advice is not to waste a second!

If you have Residency and Carte Vitale applications, car registration or licence exchanges on your list of things to do, it’s worth spending the next two or three weeks getting them into the system. That way, your paperwork will be top of the pile when administrative staff return from their holidays rested, refreshed and ready to throw themselves back into the job with renewed vigour.

Meanwhile, take the time to enjoy two of the most popular bank holidays in France. July 14th is the famous Bastille Day or Fête Nationale. If you’re in Paris, you can watch the lavish military parade on the Champs Elysées, but even the smallest towns up and down the country will celebrate with fireworks at sunset, often followed by Le Bal de Pompiers (Firemen’s Ball) with music and dancing. August 15th is Assumption Day. This year it happens to fall on a Monday, much to everybody’s delight. While Catholics head to church that day, others just enjoy the novelty of a long weekend in the sun.

With your admin tasks completed, you’ll enjoy those bank holidays even more!

If you have any questions or would like the help of our friendly team at French Connections HCB, simply book a free 15-minute consultation.

With a few weeks to go before August, we’ll deal with your ‘to do’ list quickly and efficiently so you can join the rest of France in a worry-free break.

Kind regards,

French Connections HCB Team

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