
Moving to France


90/180 rule to be eased for Brits with 2nd homes in France

If you are a British citizen and own a second home in France, you will almost certainly have been dismayed by the restrictions of the 90/180 rule imposed since Brexit. Don’t worry, there is light on the horizon! In very welcome news, the French Senate has voted to adopt an amendment that proposes to “ease […]

90/180 rule to be eased for Brits with 2nd homes in France Read More »

french renal property

How to Navigate the French Rental Property Market: A Step-by-Step Guide for Expats

Finding the perfect rental property in France can be challenging for English-speaking expats, particularly given the complexities of the French rental market and the intricacies of the legal and administrative processes. Thankfully, we have crafted this step-by-step guide to help you navigate the French rental property market and secure your dream home as swiftly and

How to Navigate the French Rental Property Market: A Step-by-Step Guide for Expats Read More »


10 Essential Tips for a Successful Relocation to France

Relocating to France as an English-speaking expat can be an exciting and life-changing adventure. However, the journey to establish a comfortable and rewarding life in a new country can also present various challenges. To help you confidently navigate this transition, we have compiled a list of 10 essential tips for a successful relocation to France.

10 Essential Tips for a Successful Relocation to France Read More »

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Healthcare in France for English-Speaking Expats

Moving to another country comes with its fair share of challenges, and healthcare is undoubtedly one of the most crucial aspects to consider when relocating. For English-speaking expats moving to or already living in France, adapting to the local healthcare system and ensuring their healthcare needs are met is essential for a smooth transition. In

Healthcare in France for English-Speaking Expats Read More »

Currency Exchange

Understanding French Taxation for English-speaking Expats

Relocating to a new country presents many unique challenges, with one of the most significant being understanding and complying with local tax regulations. For English-speaking expats moving to or already living in France, getting to grips with the French taxation system is essential for avoiding potential financial pitfalls and ensuring a smooth transition to life

Understanding French Taxation for English-speaking Expats Read More »

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Navigating the French Education System for English-Speaking Families

Relocating to France can be both exciting and challenging, particularly for English-speaking families with children who will be attending school in their new place of residence.  Understanding the intricacies of the French education system is crucial for ensuring your child’s smooth integration and success in their academic pursuits. From selecting the right school for your

Navigating the French Education System for English-Speaking Families Read More »

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What’s so good about living in France? Meet some Americans who’ve done it.

American couple Gordon and Deb have been French Connections HCB clients for a few years now, ever since we helped them find and renovate their house and sort out their French visas.  They offered to share their experience of living in France with others who might be thinking of making the move. When people move

What’s so good about living in France? Meet some Americans who’ve done it. Read More »


Understanding the French Healthcare System for English Speakers Moving to France

Moving to a new country can be an exciting adventure filled with new experiences and opportunities; however, the complex administration process can often be daunting and overwhelming, especially when it comes to understanding and navigating a foreign healthcare system. This is particularly true for English speakers moving to France, where the healthcare system differs significantly

Understanding the French Healthcare System for English Speakers Moving to France Read More »


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